Institute Preparation
Before the new academic year starts, you’ll prepare to lead a classroom by participating in an intensive six-week residential training program (the "Institute"). You will build a strong foundation for lesson planning, vision setting, and classroom management and begin gaining classroom experience by teaching the institute school with the support of coaches and mentors. You will also develop a deep understanding of the vision and mission of Teach For Cambodia. You will grow to have a strong sense of collective responsibility and urgency as a cohort.
Your experience at intensive training will lay the groundwork for continuing to improve your leadership and teaching practice through ongoing coaching and set a foundation for you and your cohort to become lifelong learners and collaborators. At the end of training, you will begin your transition into the communities where you will teach.
Your First Year
As a Teach For Cambodia Fellow, you will be placed in a government school as a full-time teacher for two years - working in collaboration with other teachers, your principal, and leaders in the community to set a vision for your students. You will balance a lot of responsibilities as a teacher. Planning and leading lessons, managing your classroom, and administrative work are all part of your role as a classroom leader.
To help navigate your first year as a teacher, you will receive individualized coaching, small group pedagogy support, and professional development tools and resources from the Teach For Cambodia team, and coaches. You will grow alongside and learn from other Fellows, and leverage each other's strengths to create collective impact in your schools and communities.
Your Second Year
You will take the school break to explore an area related to education and increase your insight and experience through an internship or project work.
You will enter your second year with more experience and start to plan and implement initiatives beyond your classroom. You may work with your students or other Fellows to find solutions to the challenges in your school or community.
You will continue to receive training and support from Teach For Cambodia and start thinking about your next steps after the Fellowship.
After The Fellowship
You will join a global network of diverse leaders who are passionate about making a positive social change from all sectors. You may continue working in roles impacting education, or you may work to expand opportunity in other fields including business, policy, law, innovation and more.
Whatever path you choose, you’ll find that classroom leadership is foundational for long-term leadership and that Teach For Cambodia will continue to support your ability to become a lifelong advocate for education.